Local 94C – Merck and Co. Open Training Facility

In a major effort to assure “first time right” quality from the Elkton, VA facility, Merck and Co. and Local 94C ICWUC/UFCW have joined forces and opened a multi-million-dollar Training Facility on the Elkton Campus.
The facility, staffed by a Union/Management Team of Instructors, will train Operators on the skills required for jobs at the site. Elkton is one of Merck`s manufacturing facilities in the North American network that produces medicines and vaccines for the global sales team at Merck.
Local 94C has been in the forefront of keeping work in the Bargaining Unit as well as keeping the members trained to a level of expertise and flexibility to make Elkton a strong site in the Merck manufacturing network.
Additionally, Local 94C has, for years, attempted to re-establish a Maintenance Training Program affording members a chance to move into trades that previously might have been outsourced or hired from outside the Unit first. The Maintenance Training Program has received VA DOL Certification and will begin to train the first class of Maintenance Trainees shortly.
This “win-win” strategy is proving a valuable tool keeping the Parties focused on areas of commonality rather than confrontation. There are, still, legitimate disputes and the process for resolution contractually. However, working to grow the site and its long-term viability are never far from the Union or Company`s mindset.
The partnership is a fine example of how Union driven Company receptive problem solving can be mutually beneficial.